Why learn Access VBA?

When you know VBA you can create macros to automate repetitive tasks which will save you a lot of time and boredom of doing the same thing over and over again. If you know how to use VBA in Microsoft Access, you are on top of all Access users because you know how to create state of the art database solutions.

This course includes

  • More than 6 hours of on-demand video

  • Five downloadable resources

  • Unlimited access for 12 months

  • Certificate of completion

What you 'll learn

  • Create subroutines and functions

  • How to create fully automated and animated dashboards.

  • Automate import and export of data.

  • Creating complex forms and reports and securing your database application

  • How to use Dialog Boxes in MS Access.

  • Automate tasks with Action Queries.

  • Generate reports and share through MS Outlook with one click.

  • Who should attend

    Anyone who want to learn advanced topics of Microsoft Access

  • Prerequisites

    Basics of Microsoft Access. If you do not know MS Access, this course is not for you.

  • Requirements

    Microsoft Access 2016 or later. MS Access 365 is preferred

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Advanced MS Access

    • Visual Basic for Applications

    • MS Access Objects, methods and properties

    • Creating VBA Program

    • VBA Branching Constructs

    • Variables, Data Types and Remarks

    • Option Group and Option Buttons

    • SELECT CASE statement

    • Creating a Function in VBA

    • Sequence of statements to execute

    • Microsoft Access Event Model

    • How to scroll data in a form

    • Dialog Boxes

    • Import Data from Excel files

    • Import all sheets from Workbook.

    • Import all Excel files from a folder

    • Action Queries

    • Append Query - A small project

    • Update Query - A small project

    • Delete Query - A small project

    • Google Maps - A small project

    • Pack up your application

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